Shuunya is my online tag… my persona… my mask.
Shuunya is a sort of transliteration of zero in Hindi. (
It relates to the role of women in the development of computer languages. Read all about zero and how is relates to women in Sadie Plant’s book Zeros and Ones. Sadie Plant discusses the effect of a binary world on the female presence or lack thereof, in male-dominated societies. She states "the zeros and ones of machine code seem to offer themselves as perfect symbols of the orders of Western reality, the ancient and logical codes". In a world of binaries, "women 'function as a hole,' a gap, a space, a 'nothing--- that is a nothing the same, identical,... a fault, a flaw, a lack, an absence". I suppose as a young woman in IT I felt that the feminist framing of my position in the industry gave me a purpose, a meaning.
This site will just be a portfolio, a gallery of my best photography work encompassing my interests of contemporary architecture (and occasionally some interesting historical buildings), landscapes, music, gardens and flowers.